- Alex Wellerstein is a historian of science and nuclear weapons and a professor at the Stevens Institute of Technology. He is also the creator of the NUKEMAP. This blog began in 2011. For more, follow @wellerstein.Want more nuclear secrecy content? Check out my book:
Restricted Data: The History of Nuclear Secrecy in the United States (University of Chicago Press, 2021).I also have a new blog/newsletter which updates much more regularly:
Doomsday Machines
Post-Apocalyptic Road Trips, End of the World-Building, and Interesting Times. A blog about how we think and have thought about end of the world, in both fact and fiction. Search
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- Did Sandia use a thermonuclear secondary in a product logo?
- Henry Stimson didn’t go to Kyoto on his honeymoon
- Deconstructing “The Doomsday Machine” – Part 1: The Question of Memory
- Oppenheimer: Vacated but not Vindicated
- Did the Japanese offer to surrender before Hiroshima? (Part 2)
- Did the Japanese offer to surrender before Hiroshima? (Part 1)
- NUKEMAP and the Ukraine–Russia war (so far)
- 10 years of NUKEMAP
- Surely You’re Joking, Comrade Beria!
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Recent posts from DOOMSDAY MACHINES
- Nuke Beat January 24, 2025
- What if NUKEMAP had been made in the 1960s? January 17, 2025
- "The battlefield is everywhere" December 28, 2024
- Exponential stockpiles December 19, 2024
- How to get sick and die in the post-apocalypse December 7, 2024
- The meme-ification of the "Demon Core" November 20, 2024