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Showing 1-30 of 33 posts that match query
July 2024
April 2022
 9NUKEMAP superimposed over an issue of the National Enquirer from March 2022
News and Notes
An accounting of NUKEMAP traffic for the first few months of 2022, including the massive spike in usage during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
November 2021
Meditations | News and Notes
Reflections on ten years of nuclear history blogging, where it has gotten me, and where I think I can still go with it.
April 2021
25Photograph of John Coster-Mullen by Alex Wellerstein, 2015
Meditations | News and Notes
Reflections on the life of John-Coster Mullen (1946-2021), the truck driver who sought nuclear history and secrets.
 5Restricted Data cover
December 2019
13At left, the original NUKEMAP from 2005; at right, the Google Maps NUKEMAP from 2012.
News and Notes | Visions
The top-secret story of why NUKEMAP switched from Google Maps to Mapbox+Leaflet.
Tags: 2010s, NUKEMAP
May 2018
News and Notes | Visions
A new exhibit on the first nuclear-armed submarines is opening this week at the Intrepid Museum in New York.
January 2018
News and Notes
Reflections on the end of 2017, and the start of a new nuclear year.
Tags: 2010s, NUKEMAP
July 2017
News and Notes
Announcing a new, provocative venture at the Stevens Institute of Technology, for building the next-generation of nuclear risk communication.
January 2016
News and Notes
Brief thoughts on the recent North Korean "H-bomb" test.
September 2015
News and Notes
Richard Hewlett, the first official historian of the Atomic Energy Commission, has died at the age of 92.
August 2015
March 2015
News and Notes | Redactions
The US government has once again created a headache for itself in trying to censor information about the hydrogen bomb.
October 2014
News and Notes
A public lecture on how laser fusion came to be, and the unique classification problems it posed for the Atomic Energy Commission in the 1960s and 1970s.
July 2014
News and Notes
There's never a right time to lose a secret H-bomb document. But for John Archibald, there might not have been a worse time than early January 1953.
Tags: H-bomb
May 2014
News and Notes
I'm going to be changing jobs this summer, starting as a professor at the Stevens Institute of Technology, in the NYC area.
September 2013
 9A 1959 advertisement for Union Carbide in the Saturday Evening Post.
News and Notes
Tune in on September 11, 2013, to hear me talk live from Philadelphia on the "nuclear age."
July 2013
News and Notes | Visions
The new NUKEMAPs are up!
News and Notes
NUKEMAP2 and NUKEMAP3D are now online!
News and Notes | Visions
A teaser for the things to come.
February 2013
News and Notes | Visions
Some data from a year of NUKEMAP, and a promise of new things to come...
January 2013
Meditations | News and Notes
Three recent losses — two people, one building — highlight that the living presence of the Manhattan Project is rapidly vanishing.
News and Notes
An announcement of a talk about the history of the hydrogen bomb being given at the National Museum of American History.
December 2012
Meditations | News and Notes
Are we closer to Doomsday than we were last year? Plus, some pretty things to distract you from all that gloomy thinking.
October 2012
Meditations | News and Notes
Robert Christy, one of the last major recognizable names who worked on the atomic bomb, has passed away. How many major Manhattan Project figures remain?
May 2012
News and Notes
Passing on news of an interesting online event featuring nuclear historians and scientists.
News and Notes
It's Richard Feynman's Birthday, so lets read Richard Feynman comics.
March 2012
News and Notes
Los Alamos has released some new footage from World War II at the lab. I point out all of the cool dogs in it, and a few other things.
February 2012
News and Notes | Visions
Reflections on the "explosive" success of NUKEMAP, and answering some questions about it that I've seen floating around.
January 2012
News and Notes
In early 1942, General Leslie Groves wrote to the future author of the famous Smyth Report for advice about whether his son study physics.
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Showing 1-30 of 33 posts that match query