A longer post is coming later today, but in the meantime, I just wanted to make sure anyone on here knows that NUKEMAP2 and NUKEMAP3D are now online:
- NUKEMAP2: sequel to the original NUKEMAP, with newly-derived effects equations and lots of brand-new options, including crater size, radioactive fallout plumes (with adjustable wind speeds and fission fractions!), and casualty counts!
- NUKEMAP3D: the next dimension of nuclear effects mapping, with 3D modeling and real-time animations of custom-built mushroom clouds and nuclear fireballs.

The mushroom cloud from a 20 kiloton explosion, centered on downtown San Francisco, as viewed from my old house in the Berkeley Hills. Estimated fatalities: 75,200.
Technically the sites went live last Thursday, July 18, but there were some technical issues that took until the weekend to finalize (if they are, indeed, finalized) due to the heavy database usage of the new features (e.g. the casualty database). But I’ve moved things around a bit, optimized some sloppy queries, and now things seem to be doing pretty good despite being under a very heavy user load. More information soon!
Both are fantastic! Thank you! I do note that I have not been able to get 3D to work with MIE 10…it works impressively well with Google Chrome, however.
I’m getting the following message on Nukemaps3D: “The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. The developer of this web site can generate a new key .” = http://code.google.com/apis/maps .
Any tip gratefully accepted!
Hi Andrew — Sorry for the very delayed response (server issues). The Google Maps API doesn’t even use API keys anymore, so that is usually just a sign that something is confused with Google Maps. Try doing a hard-refresh (hold down shift and click reload) and in theory that ought to fix it. I’ve had that sort of thing happen when either I or the site had connectivity issues.
Awesome stuff!
The link for “For more information on the fallout model and its interpretation, click here.” gives a 404. I would love to see it.
I learned most of what I know about fallout from the short and sweet Nuclear Weapon Archive’s “Effects of Nuclear Weapons FAQ”: http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Nwfaq/Nfaq5.html#nfaq5.2
The fallout option only shows dose rate. Are you planning on adding a total dose for the plumes or ‘Probe Location’ stickman figure (i.e. total dose after 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, etc, sheltered and unsheltered)?
Sorry about the bad link! I fixed it. It is meant to link here.
I have thought about total doses and total exposures but didn’t implement them. It is tricky to do the stickman for such things because it’s much more complicated to figure out whether it is inside a given plume (whereas the other stickman functions are just “how far is it from ground zero” which I already had good equations for) but in theory it can be done! Something for the future…
Thank you very much!
[…] to appreciate it at the scale of nuclear bomb. A lot of what I’ve spent time doing, with the NUKEMAP and my writing, is to try to understand, and to impart, the scale of a nuclear explosion. A lot of […]